Daily Devotions

Memory Text: Isaiah 40:28 28 Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable.

Westminster Confession 4.1 It pleased God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, for the manifestation of the glory of His eternal power, wisdom, and goodness, in the beginning, to create, or make of nothing, the world, and all things therein whether visible or invisible, in the space of six days; and all very good.


Monday:  Gen 1:1.  God existed before “the beginning.”  Consider God as eternal by reading Ps 90:2, Isaiah 40:28, Heb 1:10-12, Rev 1:8.  What does it mean that God is not limited by time or space?  If he intimately knows all that happens within time (Is 46:9-10), how does that give every reason to trust him and rely on his plans/wisdom (Is 40:28, Deut 33:28, 32:4)?  Are you? 


Tuesday:  Gen 1:1.  Unlike the Canaanite and Egyptian gods, God has no genealogy, doesn’t need anything.  He is completely independent, self-sufficient (look up aseity).  See Acts 17:24-25, Rom 11:35, Ex 3:14.  Meditate on this truth.  Why do we have every reason to cast our weak and weary selves on him in light of this truth (Is 40:28-30, Ps 121:4)?


Wednesday:  Gen 1:1 God here is Elohim -the plural of El.  El designates God as powerful, strong, mighty.  Glance over Gen 1 and see how many times you can find the word God.  What effect does this have on Israel/you at the very beginning of the Bible?   Can you recall a time when your fear or anxiety diminished because of God’s power (Mt 6:26)?  Pray for God to give you strength and courage today (Is 40:29-31, 40:11-12). 


Thursday:  Gen 1:1.  God here is Elohim, the plural of El.  Although God is one God (Deut 6:4, 1 Cor 8:4), there are three persons in the godhead.  Where else do you see this in Genesis (1:2, 1:26)?  How is this verified by John 1:3?  “The very nature of the triune God is to be effusive, ebullient and bountiful; pouring out his love.  Creation is about the outward explosion of that love.”  Ponder that.  And worship.  


Friday:  Gen 1:1.  If there is an “in the beginning,” what must there also be?  How did man’s fall into sin mar the first “in the beginning” (especially in light of Thursday’s question)?  How did Jesus effect God’s “new beginning” (Jn 1:1-4)?  Look at Rev 21:1-4 for the last “in the beginning.”  What will be different about the last one?  How does living in light of that “last beginning” shape your life now?  


Saturday:  Read Rev 21:1-8.  Spend some time imagining this cosmic renovation.