It is amazing to consider that Christ desires that his people experience the same degree of unity that he and the Father experience: oneness (John 17:11). And while there is an individual element to our experience of Christ, the gospel does not give us the option to merely relate individually to God. Much in our culture works to encourage an individualistic mindset towards life and others. But community provides the context for the gospel to impact our lives because God relates to us as “His people.” When sinful people purpose to care for one another in community, growth happens. People become more like Christ. This process is often unpredictable and at times uncomfortable or “messy,” but pleasing to the Father who delights to see his children become more like his Son.
Growth Groups are smaller groups of people who meet regularly, usually bi-weekly on Sundays, at various locations in Frederick County and neighboring areas with the primary purpose of experiencing Christ in the midst of his people. Please contact the church office or one of New Hope’s elders for more information.